The game is beast! Take it from a long-time fan. Ignore launch-day whining. Excellent quality all-around and addictive!
That said, the rest of us are too busy enjoying the game to review the game. I was curious how it fared with user reviews and was very disappointed at this totally unreasonable scoring it's received so far! I've had no problems at all, apart from one disconnection. On launch day for such a huge title, this easily is forgivable.
The game is EXCELLENT in every aspect.. Brimming with quality gameplay, story, lore, art, music and sound. I've been a long-time Diablo fan since the first one and can easily say this is the richest and most polished of the three. I've played around 10 hours so far and exploring every environment, slaughtering monsters and looting is pure joy! Physics and graphics are great, environmental destruction and interaction, skills, items.
This game really deserves praise for all the obvious hard work that's gone into its creation.