Don't Review a Game if you haven't played it.
User Rating: 9 | Diablo III PC
Diablo 3 is a very good game. Yes there have been server issues but that is to be expected from a game like this. although i do think that it is a bad idea that the game is only online. People right now are rating this game on bias because they are haters of blizzard. I literally saw someone say it took them four hours to beat and i know for a fact that is false. i have played almost for five hours and am just past act one. You shouldn't review a game that you haven't put time in or at least have some common since when reviewing. So for all you haters out there shut ur damn mouth.
So far i am through act one. I really liked the game play of the barbarian(character class i choose). He has many neat abilities to damage enemies and i cant wait to unlock the whirlwind skill. This act kept me going and i didn't want to stop playing. I feel that so far blizzard has done an expert job (albeit server issues) and i believe i will be playing this game long into the summer.