Those who give this review a bad review, or dont appreciate this game, are blind. Dont listen to the dumb hate. Blizzard

User Rating: 9.5 | Diablo III PC
This game is highly addictive and sets the bar for RPG's easily, even with my 10 hours of gameplay or so within the first few days of release. Those who played Diablo 2 and were looking for an explosive sequal, gets their wish. This game is as addictive as World of Warcraft, you will get sucked into the world, the beautiful scenery, the amazing combat, the crafting system, the multiplayer. It's all spectacularly done. The combat is my favroite part. Playing as a barbarian, I smash enemies and watch and laugh a they fly 30 feet, and their limbs fly off and go everywhere. Each class has their own style and role in combat, mine being crowd control. The physics of this game are amazing too, wack an enemy into a table and watch it break perfectly. I'm still playing my way through it, but listen to me, if you are an rpg fan, want good combat, or a good multiplayer experience, or even a cool world to explore, this game is for you and you HAVE to pick it up. This game is crack, so as a warning, be ready to spill time into it.





negatives: some lag at times on multiplayer, with large mobs.

the goods: everything else is perfect