If you think this game sucks then your on drugs.

User Rating: 8.5 | Diablo III PC
This is he best told diablo in the series. You are drawn into a plot of cults, angels and demons with a mystery of a falling star to start the story. The graphics have been much improved from the second game and I'm not just talking the movies that start and end each chapter. The game play graphic remind me of dungeon siege 3. They are no skyrim or gears of war but for diablo they are very good. The game play is basic diablo game play. Click on game guy to kill. But in the game they have removed the use of mana potions. Each character has they own mana use. Some recharges on there own and some has to be charged in combat. One thing I did not like was that there is only one slot for potions and you can only use one then you have to wait for it to cool down. The stash is back but it is used for all games. You can make a demon hunter put a sword in the stash and then make a monk and take that same sword and use it for the monk. This idea also works for cash. All cash goes on all characters what is very cool. When you level your stats are given out so all you have to do is level. But each level you get a new ability or rune for a ability. Crafting is a major thing in this game. You can level you blacksmith to make new stuff. I thought the same thing I would miss putting in stats to my character but I really do not and the game is just as hard with out. You get in massive fights with very little help. Maybe the game is a little easy for some but if you are a true blizzard fan than this is just fine.