The Perfect Game for Couples and Close Friends!
The Good:
1) Fighting huge swarms of bad guys feels incredibly satisfying, all the while not feeling to stressful.
2) Tons of loot! My wife -loves- selling items, collecting gear, and making money in video games. She would rather farm in WOW than instance, raid, or quest. Diablo 3 delivers in this area in spades. With what seems to be unlimited Town Portaling, you are always getting a chance to take a break, sort some loot, and make some cash. She loves it.
3) Awesome ability system! When I started playing my Barbarian i played with a sword and board. Then I realized I could do more damage with a two hander. Now I wield 2 one handed weapons. On normal mode (which is what I have been playing) none of that is wrong! Do what you like, change your abilities whenever you want, customize so that you can enjoy what you do! It makes it just more fun to be able to switch gameplay styles, or spells when you want new animations! (and for my wife, who is not a fan of min maxing or reading online strategy, she can do whatever she wants and just have fun! good luck raiding with that attitude!)
4) Lots of Monsters!! I have not even gotten into Act II, and I have seen so much variety that it never gets boring. If I had to fight nothing but goatmen in all of Act 1, it would be stale, but I know I have seen at least 12 unique monsters so far. (Come here you loot thief!)
5) Stuff to bash! My wife loves smashing barrels and so do I. Something thrilling about what might be in it. They are everywhere! Barrels, trees, dead villagers... you know it. Its there, and you can smash it!
6) Ease of multiplayer grouping. We can join our rl friends, our wow friends, anyone we have on real ID who is playing Diablo three just by joining them. Instant 4 way grouping. Its a thrill to have all your buddies storming a dungeon!
7) The CGI and graphics. Blizzard loves polishing up those finishing touches and it shows in D3. Sometimes you catch yourself stoping to admire the look of a broken down cart, sometimes its to look down over a cliff ledge to see monsters fighting there. Its a beautiful game. And the CGI... wow. Blizzard should really have an entire Pixar-esque movie division. Its just that good.
The "Meh"
I haven't seen anything bad in this game, and even though i don't care for the back that you have to be online to play single player, I still have to be online to play with my wife and friends, which is why i have the game. So in actuality... it doesn't bother me at all! I understand player disappointment, but since it doesn't effect me and my friends, its great.
Overall, if you are trying to play a game with your significant other or bff, and you are tired of shooters, and want a way to ease someone into the dungeon crawling genre, D3 is literally perfect for it. Its not to hard, it has lots of customization of gameplay options, really rewarding combat and looting, and its gorgeous to boot. If you are like me and having trouble getting the gf or the wife to buy into a game, this is the one for you. It doesn't have the MMO (waste time) stigma attached, and its just loads of fun!