after a super long wait its finally here!

User Rating: 8 | Diablo III PC
Diablo 3 if you didnt already know is the ultimate hack and slash style rpg and after it the very long wait for the title fans of the older titles were itching to see if after all this time if the title was going to hold up to its hype. The truth is that Diablo 3 is a great PC title for fans of the hack and slash genre and its gameplay is easy to jump into and it takes very little time to get yourself acquainted with the game mechanics. The different class choices all have very fun and unique playstyles that will bring you endless hours of return play time. Multiplayer is simply grouping up with other players and going loot hunting together, but is much more rewarding as the more players their is in one game the harder the enemys become to kill and the extra challenge makes the fights thrilling and rewarding.
Armor and Weapons, as well as gems can all be crafted from salvaged materials which adds a small layer of a profession element. Overall the system works great but it can be frustrating at time making gear because the magic stats on items are always completely random and you may waste all your matts making on piece of gear only to come up short. Conversely, this also adds to the reward of making a great item.
All in all I think that Diablo3 is an awesome title and most fans of the series will be happy with what blizzard did with this last installment in the series. The gameplay is great, the multiplayer awesome, and its has endless replay value. Where I think the game is slighly lacking is in the graphical department. Even though Diablo3 is great to look at and the worlds are rich I cannot help but wonder why their wasn't more effort put into the graphics. The title is very easy to run on max settings and players with expensive computers like myself will understand my small gripe about the title.
With pvp on the way we can only wait and see how the different classes will balance out in combat in the future months