A roller coaster past its prime. Hitches, and abrupt stops every once in a while, but you find yourself coming back.
[For those that don't like to read just skip to the plus's and minus's]
I played this game 55 hours according to the game. I'll do my best to keep this short and just give you a run down and a nice conclusion to help you decide whether its worth getting the game or if its better just to wait it out for the pvp, or even look for alternatives.
Let's act as if this game were just an indie game, and it doesn't have any predecessors or all the hype. Reviewing it as if it were an unproven game and we'll see what score it truly deserves rather than those inflated 9.5's or 10's.
Two words: Immensely satisfying
+ Perfected formula, and a change in the skill system that grows on you.
+ Scrapped the need to constantly level up your stats.
+ Randomized
Really there isn't much to complain about the gameplay. Some classes are pretty boring from the get-go but get exciting later on. While others are fun right from the start and only get more enjoyable. Which class should you play as?
Monk: Beginner : The laziest of all classes : Tank : Great Survivability : Heals
Witch Doctor : Beginner-Intermediate : Let your minions garner all the attention, but you are weak: Crowd Control :
Wizard : Advanced : Low on health but packs the most damage : Meant for the more experienced player and requires the most work
Demon Hunter : Experienced : Great mobility : Deals a good amount of damage : Low on health : Meant for experienced players but doesn't get as difficult as Wizard
+ They are better than they ever were
- Its 2012 Blizzard, and sadly they just look outdated
+ The biggest thing is the physics engine. Absolutely one of the best I've seen.
+ The scenery is detailed and monsters look simply amazing and distinct
- Some areas including all of the camps and most noticeably the sand area in Act 2 feels very dull and uninspired. Could've made this area better.
+ Character models look distinct and their movements, their skills, just look beautiful
- Lack of character customization, looking identical to the same gender and class albeit the other person gear is a letdown.
+/- The whole look of the game at times looks very dark and is remniscent to Diablo II's more grittier style, but sometimes the game looks more vibrant and colorful. Dare I say it looks like WoW at times... But to each his or her own it can be a good or a bad thing. In my opinion I'd rather they went full on dark and evil, mostly disliked the desert area. Some of the times the areas from act one were not as grungy looking as it could've been but once again it comes down to your preference.
Once again its 2012, Blizzard are you that lazy? Instead they added a nice feature which is not as useful as character customization is the banners. You'll look at your character for hours and yet they spend time on having all these different designs for your banner??? Sorry I digress, but its really sad that a feature that most rpgs have is just removed. Laziness? Wanting simpleness? Budget? Who knows.
- One of the biggest issues is the game being on a server at all times, and you having to be online at all times. Even if your looking to play singleplayer. I understand its to prevent piracy, hacking, modding, and overall abusing the game rendering the Auction House useless. But really its a big issue, and may lead many people to Torchlight 2 which offers the opposite at 1/3 of the price.
- The loot system is streamlined. To some mostly novices, and average gamers its a good thing that you don't have to fight for everything that drops. But some players mostly those that have played Diablo 2 and or are competitive like the nature of leaving battle to get that loot before their "companions" do.
+ Auction house is a good addition.
+ Love the interface, from the bold and distinct lettering, from the detailed menu, to the revamped user interface.
+ Ease of use buddy list.
- Need your friends email or remember stupid digits after their name that are randomly assigned. If you seen a person in game its a simple right click and left click.
- No chatroom interface at the main menu. Login and create your character, join a game or play by yourself. Thats it. You aren't greeted with anything, or a simple chatbox. The interface is quite simple and it doesn't do the game justice.
- No game lobbies, if you just simply want to join a game that only needs 1 more guy. Or join games according to latency, etc. Its made too simple and once again isn't a good thing.
- No voice chat support... Hey Blizzard let me remind you again, its 2012 >_>
- The game lags consistenly. First day of release is one thing, but it lags sometimes even to this day. Goodluck playing hardcore ^_^
You can have your own opinions about the story, but the general consensus is its not special. Some say its great, and it follows the Diablo lore. I agree to an extent, yet I also feel it could've been handled better especially with how they had such amazing capabilities wiht the cinematics they could've used them for better scenarios. Once again no one can really argue on this aspect because we're mostly here for the gameplay.
+ Great sound affects
- Mish mash of music. Not memorable in the least bit
- Voice acting for the most part is good. But its dialogue is corny and the guy you hear almost half of the game: Deckard Cain is almost unbearable to hear. Sounds like a 30 year old mocking a grandpa rather than an actual aged man.
Consider all these issues and most of them minor, but the one of the biggest things to take into consideration is the price. $60, is it really worth the price tag at the end of the day for all the issues you have to go through. In my honest opinion I'll say yes if there wasn't an alternative. Yet there is, and even as much as I've enjoyed D3 its been hard to convince my friends to buy the game telling them everything wrong with it, further lessening my own experience playing with few people I knew. The price tag where you can simply go on steam and prepurchase 4 copies of Torchlight2 for the same exact price of one copy of DiabloIII. I kid you not, its a special deal they have take a look for yourself. I'm not trying to advertise here the game but its sad a realisation how Blizzard has almost robbed us and used their name, as well as the Diablo name, then disregards simple components to give a game thats not even worth its price tag. Too the point where I feel satisfied with telling you all why Torchlight2 is the much better option even if you don't care about price, because I don't want to money wh***s to get what they want.
Basically its a rigged experience. One where you come for the gameplay. This refined and unmatched gameplay, plagued with a myriad of misqueues and terribles decisions too the point where it just feels rushed. Back to the point on how its very linear. The story is linear, and the campaign is self is pretty straightforward. Yet the combat is very intuitive, the skills, and fun you experience when playing with others its possible to ignore most of the games letdowns. But if you were thinking of the game as if it was Diablo III not I, II, and as a game made by Blizzard you feel more inclined to like the game in that perspective. Thinking of it in a different way you begin to see beneath the carpet there's plenty of things they tried to mask. Ultimately solely based on the campaign it was a good experience. An experience that without a doubt could've been better, but wasn't. A disapointment but nonetheless a classic in its own right. A game that balances between perfect gameplay, and simplicity, and a difficulty that gradually gets harder in a rewarding way.
Your travels through the Sanctum will be most definitely be a roller coaster. A roller coaster that's past its prime, that has hitches, bumps, and abruptly stops every once in a while. But never ceases to satisfy you albeit the nuances.
Overall scores
Gameplay [9.0] : Simple point and click, but o-so fun
Graphics [6.6] : Main driving force the physics, some areas , and most monsters detail
Interface and System [6.5] : They went cheap on this one. Leaving out a lobby room, leaving out chat. The interface in game was great though. But the main thing was all the latency issues, the game having to be online constantly. I do like the new skill system, as well as an auction house, even the buddy list is very nice. But the negatives outweight the positives here.
Story [5.5] : Very run of the mill.
Sound [7.5] : Overall the sounds of the swords, the arrows, the spells, all were pleasant. The voice acting and music could use some work.
[OVERALL SCORE] : 7.23/10.0
In the end its really hard to describe. I'd like to say its disappointing, but its also a classic. I'd like to say it was highly addictive(which it was) but I felt it was hyped and kept questioning the price tag. But no matter what, most of these hindrances can be fixed. The addition of PvP can easily bring my score to an 8 or higher. But its oblivious seeing "Professional Reviewers" giving this game 9's or above. Clearly they are getting paid, or have been plagued by the name and the company. In reality its just a good game, not a great one. But could they have changed for the better this game would've, could've, should've been a great game.