It took 11 years for this to come out???
Graphically, with regards to the cinematics, they are top notch. I only wish there were more. I don't expect to see a cinematic every five seconds but it would be nice to see one when you complete quests involving the main story. Instead much of the story, that is to say what drives one quest to another, is told in text boxes with voiceovers.
Character customization doesn't exist. Yes you can change your attacks at blink and yadda yadda but what you look like is pretty much set. To me in this age where in almost every RPG, from SWTOR to Skyrim to Kings of Amalur to Fallout, allows you to change the physical features to your whim. Unless you have a specific character and you are trying to tell their specific story, you get to change their features; then again you usually have some play there.
My biggest beef is that combat is a complete and total grindfest. All you seem to do is left-click your main attack, throw in the occasional right-click once you have enough fury, mana, or other resource, and maybe hit one of the four number buttons once they finish recharging. For me that's boring. I don't expect a WoW clone but I expect more variety in my attacks. You might be able to change the stats of your attacks with different runes but to me stats are just stats, something that doesn't have a meaningful impact on gameplay.
I'm also the type of person who doesn't want to leave a stone unturned in a game because you may miss some piece of lore that helps flesh out the world you're playing in. Only doing that means more grinding.
As for the gear, to me so far it looks all the same. Yes the stats may be different but as a player who likes to see differentiation in appearance in addition to changes in stats, this is merely a glut of gear. For me, it isn't meaningful. And that takes away from the game.
Because I haven't played the game more there isn't much more for me to say. But I will say this: this is a game that should have come out in 2004, 2005, or even 2006. Many of the things I complain about wouldn't have been an issue because expectations of what an RPG should be weren't what they are now. In essence, RPGs in general evolved where Diablo didn't and that's a shame. Some would argue that this is merely the game's style but I would counter that Blizzard could have evolved while still staying true to the origins of the series.
My last comment will be to state I have my doubts as to whether I'll go back to playing this game. For the money I paid I expected more. I expected to have my mind blown and it didn't happen.