The classic bait and switch for gaming.

User Rating: 5 | Diablo III PC
I, like many others, were very excited about this game. We'd been waiting for years for a sequel, after the success of Diablo II and it's expansion Lord of Destruction. Unfortunately, we didn't get what we thought we were getting, or maybe what we believed we should get. Packaged as a "single player game with multiplayer abilities" just like Diablo II had been. What we got was another pseudo-MMORPG. A single player game that requires you to log in to play it. It doesn't allow mods or add-ons of any kind. The first three days of it's release weren't even playable.

A lot of hype went into the game. But it appears to be nothing more than Diablo II with updated graphics. So many things were rehashed and reused. We got 4 short acts with 4 difficultly levels. A random equipment generator that is extremely out of date and an inflexible UI. (Even with elective mode on it is severely limited.) The game is broken. Even after a few patches, there are still problems with logging in, auction house, huge lag spikes, mass disconnects, servers crashing and more. Overall, this game is a huge disappointment. Blizzard's record for not releasing games until they are ready has been broken.