7 Sins of Diablo III

User Rating: 3.5 | Diablo III PC
1. Online only sucks
2. Oversimplified for casual gamers
3. Lost sense of achievement for character building
4. Lack of distinct 'Diablo' atmosphere
5. Real money auction house ruins balance (blatant cash generator)
6. Story is presented for a 5 year old (a decent story is butchered)
7. Jay Wilson is a phag

For anyone who still thinks D3 > D2 please go suck Jay Wilson's c**k. D3 has no soul. Starcraft 2 is a fine game and that proves blizz could still make a solid follow up to the epic legacies left behind by their early success. But this time they have really f**ked up trying to appeal to a larger audience.

Blizzard, thanks for destroying this wonderful franchise. Bah, I was up and down about this game for 3 weeks trying to give it a chance but now I will not waste anymore time on diablo 3 and won't waste anymore time on you :(