D3 is a dumbed down version of World of Warcraft, and WoW is already pretty dumbed down.

User Rating: 6 | Diablo III PC
Where to begin? How about the fact that you're forced to buy gear of the auction house - the best with real money - otherwise you'll waste days farming and still you may never get a good item. How about the fact that the first 3 difficulties are a cakewalk, and the 4th and final - inferno - has rare packs you literally can't beat. Or how about the fact that D3's itemization is so dumbed down that the only stat anyone ever worries about is "DAMAGE" and damage increases both attack and spell damage.

But still, the biggest problem with D3 is it's just not a satisfying game to play. You farm and farm to beat inferno. Then you farm and farm, getting drop after worthless drop that RNG's poor stats and isn't even worth selling, just to get into later acts of inferno. There you farm some more again. You're literally just farming, spending real money, then farming more. It's like WoW accept you're farming the same content over and over again, and you're playing, for the most part, by yourself.