After 10 years of waiting, we definitely deserved better.
Its just not exciting trying to find the good loot, because not only is it hard to come by, when it does its not that exciting, i mean the legendary items are a joke!
1. Spending hours grinding and receiving mediocre loot, level 55 item drop inferno act 4?
2. Everybody basically has the same gear with a few different stats here and there, where's the unique look of characters? etc
3. Diablo 2 needed no auction house for progression. Try completing inferno with a Barb without visiting AH
4. Blizzard forcing play styles, why must i play with a defensive build with my barb after act 2 inferno? without doing so there's no chance of getting through it. And i've seen this complained on numerous forums.
5.Real money auction house, this is just destroying the game in so many ways.
Its a shame the game turned out like this, really disappointing, while it did provide to be a little fun in the beginning this wears a little thin now, and becomes way to repetitive with little or no reward to keep me coming back.