Biggest game disappointment ever. Im glad i did not buy this one. Nowhere near Diablo1 or Diablo2 Quality

User Rating: 1 | Diablo III PC
Online ONLY.
Loot tables are rigged so players have to use the auction house.
Terrible skill system. No skill tree of any kind is bland
Horrible story. also too predictable.
Quests are annoying.
Cant skip quests on second play through.
Too Easy first run through.
Too Boring Second run through.
Loot stopped dropping on second run.
Level cap is hit way too early, making it feel like a grind to nowhere.
Skill graphical effects are 10 years old.
Mercenaries are 100% Useless.
No PVP for an Online ONLY game seems silly.
Blizzards answer to winers is to keep nerfing things.

Played it for free at friends house while on vacation.
Auto Pickup Gold.
Crafting system showed Promise.
Saved me money by not needing to buy this game.
Graphics of monsters and backgrounds are well done.
The people that made Diablo1 and Diablo2 are free from Blizzard