The good, the Bad, the revoulution.

User Rating: 9.3 | Diablo PC
Take a little time to think right now. Have you ever played an "Action role-playing game" before? You know, Dungeon siege, Sacred, that sorta thing? Did you like it? You owe it all to Diablo. The first born of the action role playing game. The first of it's kind.

Let's start with gameplay. As you've probably heard, everything is controlled by the mouse. You click to pick up items, to talk, to read, but most importantly, to attack. This game is more than addicting. You click an enemy, your character runs over an attacks them. But then, you have to keep clicking. More. More! Each click is another slash, and you feel as though you're the run keeping the battle going, attacking your enemy again and again until they fall. Gameplay is the root of all gaming, and this is as game that knows just this.

Graphics. Yes, we all know. Not good. They are outdated and un-detailed, but they get the job done. Everything's animated, all directions, ETC. Not much to say, they just aren't very good. However, it's not so bad you'll ever start to get annoyed or upset about it.

Sound... Incredible. Whenever you talk to somebody it's voiced, as well as when you read scrolls and books. The music fits perfectly at all times, such as when you're in town. The tune lets you know something evil lurks nearby, and mystery lies everywhere. If sound means a lot to you, and just sets the stage for having a great time, this is your game for sure.

I personally love the game. I felt right a home while I played. (Please, don't make the 'he worships diablo' joke). I just enjoyed the game in general. It was a clearly amazing game.

Still having doubts about this game? You fool! Go play right know! It's Cheap to buy! It's an incredible game! You need to get it!
Right now.