The vsim controls in this game really make it stand out from the crowd. Just move your sword arm from side to side to sever limbs and heads! Be sure to enable these controls in the options menu, or els it´s just triggering moves by using standard key combos. The story is very simple, so are the graphics but check out the "I´ll cleave yer head from yer bloody shoulders!" or the "I´ll have ye bleedin´like a stuck pig!" sounds and you know you´re dealing with a classic here :). The multiplayer arena mode rules because you can take on more than one opponent at once...
Gameplay: 7.5/10 - In Die By The Sword, you control this medieval knight guy called Enric. The gameplay is simple; Run around in dungeons and slash & hack anything that moves. I have not touched the story mode that muc... Read Full Review
A unique and intuitive control system seems almost ancillary in many games these days. Most genres have tried and true control designs that have evolved over the years and we have all come to expect, and while we all of... Read Full Review