Die Hard Arcade on the Sega Saturn is a port of the 3D beat 'em up arcade game released a year prior. Being an early 3D beat 'em up, the graphics are pretty clunky, but its a fun game, especially for two players. The core gameplay features classic beat 'em up action is a large moveset and lots of available weapons (from standard guns to missile launchers to brooms). It breaks up the action with some quick time events (similar to Shenmue). While it may be difficult to beat the game with the default number of credits, you can play Deep Scan (a 1979 arcade game where you are a battleship that destroys submarines below it) to earn enough credits for a full playthrough. This game gets a lot of points for being great fun. However, it is also a very short game that doesn't offer a lot in replay value which does hinder it from really being great.
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