Gameplay: If you liked Die Hard Arcade in the Arcades, then you'll love it on the Sega Saturn. You travel in a Skyscraper similar to the one in the first Die Hard movie. There are tons of bad guys in this building, and 30 hostages trapped inside, including the President's Daughter. So it's up to you to save them all. You travel through hallways and room to kill every bad guy in sight. There are many items to use to kill them as well. From handguns, to hair sprays, to Missile Launchers, to Fire Axes! You can even arrest your bad guys. In my opinion, the Sega Saturn control pad layout is simply the best for fighting games. Not only you can beat up people, you can do QTE-like (Quick Time Event) scenes while you are running through hallways. (Based on how Shenmue plays) You'll enjoy this game if you get it now. Graphics: Yeah, the graphics are outdated. Many of the characters and thugs are blocky and have some jagged-edges. But this game is already 8 years old, and its Saturn port is 7 years old now. This is one of the rare Saturn games when the 3D models during the cutscenes move their mouths while they are talking. At least the frame rate is alright. Overall, the game doesn't look good, but it isn't bad to look at. Sound: The Music does a good job here. The movie like songs fit perfectly to an action packed game like this. Though, some of the voices in the game are mediocre. Conclusion: Overall, this is a great game to add to your collection. But I highly doubt you'll have fun with it for months. The Arcade is short, that you can beat it in 30 minutes. There's a small arcade included in this game called Deep Scan, but it gets boring after a while. Even though this game doesn't have a lot of replay value, which could have been better to make Die Hard Arcade a fantastic game, this is still a good Saturn game. Pros: -Great beat-em up gameplay -Well fitted music -Highly Addicted Cons: -No extras -Choppy character models -Some mediocre voice acting -Arcade extra, "Deep Scan" gets boring after a while.
Die Hard Arcade is a great deal different from the Playstation compilation of the three Die Hard Films (Die Hard Trilogy) Before beginning gameplay, you can play a battleship game that rewards you with extra lives for... Read Full Review
I first played this game in the arcade, and I must say I was highly impressed. It was just plain fun unleashing combos on hapless hordes of bad guys. Of course, I have the Saturn version now and it has corny graphics, b... Read Full Review