An insult to the Die Hard trilogy
You're John MacClane, the badass cop who's in to visit the ex-wife. When arriving to Nakatomi Plaza, the place in which her company is holding a christmas function, terrorists seize the place.
John's job? Fight back.
The storyline was fantastic in the movie, but when integrated into a game, BOO. I felt like I wasn't playing a game in which a super cool movie was backing, I felt like I was playing some lame rip-off.
Hah, yeah right. For a 2000 game, they're pretty damn disgusting. It's FPS, so you'll always be seeing the hands of your character. His hands look like pink lumps of flesh that a four year old drew with a pink crayon, then it was scanned onto a computer and used as the basic hand model.
The weapons look pretty nice, with a slight shine to them. There isn't much in the way of detail, though, most items/walls/etc were clearly given hardly any (if any) thought when being designed.
Ugh, so annoying. The fire of the sub-machine gun sounds like an old man coughing. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Now go play it on a loop for an hour, your ears will be bleeding after five minutes.
The voices are average. The least they could have done was hire Willis to do the voice of John, really, the voice-over for him just sucked.
You'd think the gameplay would shine, and when the gmae loads up, you think you're in Die Hard heaven. Wait, no you're not. The gameplay is shocking, though it was nice to see that most parts from the movie had been integrated into the game, and there is a lot of original new (but frustrating and annoying) tasks which'll serve absolutely no purpose in the plot later on in the game.
The game isn't fun the first tme around, the fun wears off within minutes. So by the time you finish it, you'll have been itching to delete the whole damn folder, and possibly use the disc as a frisbee, or burning material, whatever's better.
My God? Why have you forsaken me?
So were the words Jesus cried out when he was dying on the cross. Well guess what, you'll scream this when you play the game. If you've played CS/BF2, you'll be used to the typical WSAD layout.
So it's going to be pretty easy to master the controls, right?
The layout is a complete mess, and there's not a single way to change it. You're stuck with the most pathetic control layout for the whole game.
Dreadful. Not worth buying, not worth the money. Don't rent it, don't buy it, just laugh at the guy next to you when he buys it.