This game is a hidden gem - even those unfamiliar with the movie WILL enjoy it.

User Rating: 8 | Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza PC
The negative reviews on this game always leave me at a loss because it is simply not as bad as it's made out to be - in fact it's actually pretty good! The environments and graphics are VERY well done and the gameplay at times is downright innovative - ie. one thing that sticks in my mind is the part where player has to use fire extinguishers to get thru a room that's on fire. Combat is entertaining and interesting with AI and weapons working very nicely and there's a level of interaction required to carry the story forward that takes it beyond just being a run-n-gun blastfest. I personally found it to feel similar in parts to FEAR altho to be honest Nakatomi Plaza's interior environments are more convincing. Contrary to what's been said, it ISN'T necessary to know the movie to appreciate this game - the game story is different to the film and in fact one can become quite confused by trying to figure out the game on the basis of events and sequences in the film. I didn't buy it based on reviews and only played it when I was given it as a present - within 10 minutes I was thinking "WOW! - this is GREAT!" - 'nuff said.