Not the worst card game ever
User Rating: 7 | Digimon World: Digital Card Arena PS
Please Note, I am Rating this Game differently than the Digimon World Games, as it is not anything like those. I am Rating it based on all virtual Card Games. This is the most EXCELLENT Card based Game I have EVER played! Okay, the graphics are pretty good, but its got a Story Book kind of feel, as you do not roam at all. You just choose options. Listen though. Untill you get into the actual Card Battles, which is the main point of the Game, you wont realise its true excellence. The Battles are all strategy and knowledge of how the various Cards work, of course, and even though it may seem complicated at first, trust me, once you get the hang of it it goes by really fast. Quick paced Battles and fait of luck makes it pretty fun and adicting in itself, but once you see the fully animated 3D fighting take place - it will blow your mind! Every Digimon has 3 unique Attacks to view, and they are all based on what they do on the TV shows. This is one of those Games you will play over and over, just to be able to whatch the Battles happen. Now, there is a Story to the Game, otherwise there would be no purpose. The Story is backwards, because you end up fighting Season 2 Characters such as "Digimon Emperor" first, and afterwards fight Season 1 popular enemies, such as "The Dark Masters" and Myotismon. In any case, there will be plenty of oponents for you to Battle, enemy or friend, and it requires no knowledge of Digimon what so ever, nor any "Training". Partner Cards may be considered a slight RPG twist, as your Partner Cards do gain experience and new abilities as they Level Up, but it still isn't the same as "Training". Card Fusion Shops and Wizardmon Spells enable you to gain more Digimon and Option Cards. Also, after winning a Battle (2 out of 3) you will also gain Cards. Collecting as many as you can to make useful Decks whose Cards work together - is the key to getting far into the Game. Very, very, very fun Game. I don't care if you hate Card Battles! Once you play this, you wont any longer.