In light of the other card-battle games such as Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Yoh, Digimon Card Battle sets the benchmark.

User Rating: 7.7 | Digimon World: Digital Card Arena PS
While graphics are a little too "pixelated", the game-play simple hocks the player. The typical "fight your way up harder-and-harder villains" game, it does not disappoint while it also does not excite players. Addictive but gets monotonous after a while. Especially after you have beat the game. Personally, I found it fun initially but it worn out after a few days. However, if you find the process of planning ahead and predicting your opponents moves, you might find this your type of game. Bandai should have included several side-quests to compensate the monotonous game-play. Soundtracks could have been better too. But good work on the indivudual moves of the digimon.