Digimon Digital Card Battle is a TCG PS game, where is a good battle system and good number of cards.

User Rating: 8.4 | Digimon World: Digital Card Arena PS
Digimon Digital Card Battle is Trading Card Game in PlayStation, where you move from city to city. You challenge Battle Arena leaders and collect new cards. It plays like this. The one who got first turn takes 4 cards to his hand. He's got to put one to battle zone, basically Rookie, because bigger level's attack and Hitpoints are halved. If he's got no Digimon cards in his hand, hes got to discard whole hand and take new. Then, he can put a card to DP. (Digivolve points) if you have lots of DP, you can digivolve your Digimon. It goes like that: Rookie-Champion-Ultimate. The Digimons type have to be same as the upper stages Digimon. But, if you have, you can use special digivolve cards, like speed digivolve, that gives you to digivolve rookie to champion with no DP cost. Then you have to select your attack. There are 3 attacks in one digimon: Circle= Powerful Attack
Triangle=Normal Attack and X=Special Attack. Circle and triangle are basical, but X got usually a special power, like counterattack.
After that you can select a support card. Every Digimon(almost) got a support effect, but better are special Support Cards. After Support, its battle phase. Both Digimons attack theirself, and damage is gone from their HP. When HP is 0, Digimon dies. When you got 3 kills you win. The controls are easy, and battle mechanic is good. Graphics are good too, and there are close to 400 cards or somehow.