Another Digimon fighting game? Digimon from seasons 1-4? Super Smash Bros Melee-type gameplay? Cool.

User Rating: 7 | Digimon Battle Chronicle GC
THE GOOD: *Over 15 balanced characters, each with two more evolutions *Nice minigames *Pretty nice battlefields with plenty of obstacles *Summon Phantomon is a nice, chaotic touch to the game *Fun to play with others *New life system similar to Super Smash Bros, but with a health bar *Can choose which boss you fight in Arcade Mode

THE BAD: *Alright when playing by yourself Some of the powerups feel unnecessary *No Story *Neemon, although funny, gets a little annoying *The Black Digimon are redundant *Some characters and/or evolutions are D-listers *Not a balanced list of characters from each season

Digimon Rumble Arena... one of my favorite games for the First Playstation. So, a second one must sound good, right?

Well, here's the lowdown:

Pick your favorite Digiwarrior, whoop some tail!

Characters: 6/10- Pretty nice list of characters, but some fan favorites and good digimon from the first game are missing (e.g. Impmon, Terriermon, Koji's spirits). Also, some evolutions seem like the wrong choice (Where's Seraphimon, Magnadramon, or EmpoerGreymon?). Also, we have some other digimon that are not as famous as others (Palmon, Biyomon, Gomamon). Also, there is not a balanced amount of characters from each season (9 from Season 1, 2 from Season 2 (counting BlackAgumon, since he digivolves into BlackWarGreymon), 1 from Season 3, 3 from Season 4, 2 from the movies, and two random Black forms). The characters are balanced, each having their own strengths and weaknesses, which allows for great experimentation. The super moves look spectacular also.

Graphics: 7/10- Great character models, some nice environments, and nice visual effects. Sometimes, the Digimon can appear pretty small on the screen, though.

Gameplay: 8/10: Nice SSBM-type gameplay, but with Health. The controls are pretty solid, and each level has its obstacles. The powerups are a good addition, but some of them seem unnecessary (eg. Sleepy Time, Sympathy Pains, Pinata). Also, some Items are pretty unnecessary, such as the Chili and the Bombs. Although, Some powerups are very nice and can be used for your advantage (eg. Summon Phantomon, Digivolve Everyone, Body Snatchers). Playing with friends is addictive and competitive, while playing by yourself is mediocre at best. To add some spice to the multiplayer fun, there are also minigames that tests your wits, reflexes, and strength (eg. Catch Calumon, King of the Hill)

Sound: 7/10- Nice soundtrack. Each song goes with its stage. The sound effects and the voice acting is alright too.

Unlockables: 610- One level, 9 characters. Pretty good set of unlockables

Overall (not an average) 7/10- If you love digimon, love fighting games, and have easy access to friends who apply to any of the above, then this is what the DigiDoctor ordered! Pretty Solid Fighter with its flaws here and there, but this is still an enjoyable game. Even though it's tailored for Digimon Fans, this game is good for any fighting game aficionado's library.