At this point I've logged about 80 hours into this game, I got it upon release because I'm a Digimon fan, of course.
I'll just make this quick and painless.
The Good:
Excellent Digimon models, it's awesome to see HD models of monsters I loved since I was a kid.
Great environments, they're beautiful, pretty awesome detail for an anime styled game.
Combat is fun, and fights can be very satisfying to win.
Digivolution is satisfying, completing the "Field guide" is not necessary but I did it.
The story is fun, and although some mixed translation, most of the jokes still come out and can be genuinely funny.
Plenty of favorite Digimon to battle with.
This, while arbitrary, I really liked - Super fast load times.
Lots of gameplay time, I'm 80 hours in and haven't completed all the side quests.
One of my favorite features ever, new game plus.
Free DLC
The Not-so-good.
Some translation failures, just grammatical things, like you're instead of your where appropriate, or when given multiple choice responses, the list is just continuations of the first selection, so there's no actual choice there.
Some dialog responses give the same answer regardless of choice, so some of the dialog choice seems pointless.
ABI, Talent, or Potential, is a kind of annoying stat, that can only be gained by repeatedly digivolving between stages or with rare food, which can make getting some of your favorite Digimon tedious. Digimon return to level 1 upon digivolving.
Some missions are mostly dialog and can get frustrating.
COM controlled opponents have no "SP" limit, which is used for casting magic abilities or special attacks, so they can spam powerful heals or revives with no consequence, so some battles can be very annoying.
10 Digimon are currently unavailable without pre-order dlc, it's not game breaking, it's just black variations. Hopefully will be released as free dlc later.
Overall, I think it's well worth the money, I enjoy the game very much and am happy, I figure I get an hour of gameplay per dollar spent, I got my money's worth and then some.