There goes Bandai!
Coming from someone who used to watch the cartoon its saying alot when i say i hate it!
The game is VERY UNINSPIRED, Then again what game from Bandai isnt?
I cant tell you enough about this damn hell spawn garbage!
Garbage it seems like they didnt even try!
Ugh Crash Bandicoot looks better!
With a teeny a** game like this you would think they could do a bit better in this department.
Polygon city is all i can say!
Sounds like they got most of the sounds from outdated a** NES games!
Sub-Category Music:
Bad too.
It would be nice for them to play some Digimon tunes, b ut then again thats asking WAAAY too much from Bandai!
Ok heres one of the BIG turn off's...
All you do is go into these lame a** peice of s*** dungeons and beat a boss!!
Can you say "Uninspired"?
Can you say "Dull"?
Can you say "You suck Bandai"?
Yeah you get new Digimon but you have to shoot a TOY at the a** holes if they like it they get a heart, the bigger the heart the more of a chance you have in catching them.
Ugh.......Im kind of speechless right now....
Value: Not worth $0.25!!!
Bottom Line:
The concept is garbage!!
The game is garbage!!!!!
Bandai is garbage!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously DONT GET THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!