User Rating: 10 | Digimon World 2 PS
Digimon World 2 is a RPG game. You are only allowed to have three digimon on the field. You can also reserve up to four digimon. The idea of this game is that you combine them to get a fresh rookie, champion, or ultimate. There are many kinds or digimon like, Agumon, Tyrannomon, Cherrymon, Lilymon, Wargreymon and even Omnimon. The difficult part of this game is the DNA Fusion. There are three types: Vacine, Data, and Virus. You pretty much will get your digimon at random. It took me ages just to get an omnimon. This game will take a lot of time and your digimon are hard to digivolve. The game-play, sound, graphics are all good. Another good thing about this game is that you travel in a tank. You can upgrade your tank and make it very strong. That is all I have to say. I recommend this game to all digimon fans.