This game is the ultimate battling RPG system, but you will spend many hours of your life doing so. Not for beginners.

User Rating: 7.3 | Digimon World 2 PS
I found this game to be the most different in the series because there's really nothing like it. The battle system is close to Final Fantasy Tactics or Grandia, but you don't move, making it like Pokemon. The storyline is dry, as almost all Digimon games. It starts off hard, because only Vaccine Digimon can take hits, so stay away from the Black Sword and Blue Falcon unless you're playing for a second time. Items and parts are overpriced, which wouldn't be so bad if you actually got some BITS. That's why it's hard, money. And your Digimon training can be hard also, especially when DNA Digivolving, because if you take a good Virus and take a Vaccine that sucks, you'll always get a dumb Kabuterimon family Diigmon. And a Vaccine and Data will always put you in the Patamon family, which only know Counter attacks. It really gets annoying, but I suggest a strategy guide. I used Prima's guide to keep me from screwing up my Digivolving. Exercise with caution with EP. Your battery will not last long, so always upgrade it.