It was an ok game, if somethings were added it would have been better
good for the psx, the battling system had may problems such as the
backgrounds being repetitive. The background while fighting only at most change colors, the mazes seem all alike, this will make the
game seem extremely repetitive and dull. When in a battle the digimon do not
move to attack, making it seem like pokemon except (amazingly enough) worse. Amazingly enough the creators decided that your partner digimons cannot evolve past a certain point and at this point you have to dna digivolve your partners to raise their max level. Doing this will make the game seem annoying as you'll have to go back and retrain your digimon. Also you have to drive this tank-type machine which has certain hp and number of steps it can take. The story isn't very good too....In conclusion this game is not meant for most people only those that are fans of the franchise or hardcore rpg gamers.If you are a fan of digimon the game will probably grow on you.