i don't know what are you guys talking about but this game is awesome!!!
User Rating: 10 | Digimon Championship DS
this game is greatest!! I like it very much!!! thids game is very tough you must raise from one baby digimon to a mega but that's not the hard part. you must fight throug title matches to digimon championship and it's not easy. to become a digimon champion you must train your digimon very hard. there is 216-217( i don't know really) digimons I still play this game and i haven't fought in championship yet but I will very soon. more about fighting style. you can enter 1-3 digimons in arena and they fight on their self but there is cheat for controling one of your digimon but I won't tell you. about gameplay,graphic and music my grades are:
graphic:9/10(only because is DS game)
music:9/10(same reason as for graphic)
you are probably asking why my score is 10. the reason is because is digimon and one of the best digimon game in digimon serias for DS. my advice is only if you are patiently play this game. thx for reading my review!!!