Excellent. MUCH better than the first few.

User Rating: 9.1 | Digimon Story DS
This game is absolutely amazing. Really the only thing I really had a problem with is that you can't see your own Digimon fighting the opponent, and that the battling style is a bit monotonous. Probably the best feature about this game is you can raise virtually any Digimon you find in the game. When you run into a battle, you automatically scan the opponent (except for bosses) to a certain percentage of scan data, by fives or tens each time you go up a rank. Once you scan the data to 100%, you can go to your Digi-Farm, a place you can raise and talk to your Digimon that are not on your team, you can convert the Digi-Scan Data, and the Digimon is created for you ro raise. However, you can wait to scan to more than 100%, say 500 or 600, and that Digimon will have better stats depending on how much you have scanned that Digimon to. Note that it is the same level, it will just have better stats.

The battling style is much better than the first few games, but the only flaw is that you can not see your own Digimon battling. The battles strategically are fantastic. The upper left-hand corner shows you what Digimon is going to be able to move next. This gives you the upper hand to decide if you need to use items or fight. You can also equip different items to Digimon depending on their type and level. Perhaps the best feature of the new battling system is that all six Digimon on your team are given experience points even if they did not battle. Which brings me to my next point:

You are now able to have six different Digimon on your team at any given time, three main and three backup. Now you might be thinking right now, "Hey that's just copying Pokemon!" Well, you'd be right. They are. Anyways, you have your first three Digimon in battle, while the others lay back for a while. Now, if your first three happen to faint, then the other get to step in and take over. I love that part of the game. Note however, the Digimon that faint do not gain experience at the end of the battle.

The way of raising is cool too. Some of the batlles you can fly by, but some require you to work hard and raise up. Sometimes it's difficult to raise, and the bosses are extremely hard, but it all pays off in the end. By advancing in the plot, you get raised to different ranks. You start out as a Normal Tamer, then Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and then Tamer King. Different ranks unlock different abilitites such as scanning ranks of Digimon to certain percentages. The higher the rank, the higher the scan percentage. You can also equip different weapons to your Digimon and their stats will increase.

Another cool feature about this game is the WiFi connection. You can get friend codes from different people and visit their farms to use DNA bits of one of your Digimon and a bit of theirs to create special Digimon with unique stats. Some certain Digimon can ONLY be made through 'blending' as this is called. There is also the DS to DS communication where you can battle and trade Digimon with your friends!

This game also promises a supper strong Digimon you can own at the end of the game.........if you can beat him. No spoilers here, you're gonna have to get the game yourself. Overall this game was excellent. So, if you were deciding to get it or not, or just wasn't sure, think no longer, JUST GET IT.