Welcome to Poké... I mean DIGImon World, which has absolutely nothing to do with Pokémons!

User Rating: 3.9 | Digimon Story DS
Pick one monster out of three and start your game, collecting different kinds of *mon, fight turn-based battles with your army of *mon. *volve your *mon.

Oh come on! These two things are so close to each other that it's almost ridiculous. Oh sure, DW's got a few features not present in the other mon-series, like equipping stuff to your monsters, and optionally degenerating your digimon to start growing a stronger one. But this game's not as fun as any of the Pokémon games. At times it can get very frustrating, the map designs are awful IMO...

But there's at least one bright point. You don't have to spend money on tons of wasted balls trying to catch new monsters, you just have to battle the monster a few times until you have 100% data of it, then you can just proceed with replicating it.

Ultimately... Played this for bout 12 hours now, and it's over for me. Not worth full price, and not worth a shot if you know your Pokémon.

Oh yeah, and the everlooping battle music really really sucks.