Digimon World DS is one of the best RPG games for DS. Also, it's defeat all Digimon games for PS2 till no

User Rating: 7.4 | Digimon Story DS
Digimon World DS is one of the best RPG games for DS.

Also, it's defeat all Digimon games for PlayStation 2 ^_^

You can now have many digimons. Besides, you can choose

which digimon that you want to create (Digivolue). In addition

you can equip your digimon with weapons, armors, and rings.

Somethings that I didn't like in Digimon World DS:

1- There is no WORLD that you can make your adventure only (S ID).

2- You can't have old Skills from old digimon after digivolution.

3- Very easy to create a digimon.

4- You can't see your digimon in the battle >_< just it's attack!

Anyway, you can have a fun with this game if you like digimon ^_^

and play with your friends as multi-player form. ENJOY !