Best PS1 game in the UNIVERSE!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Digimon World PS

The Bad : NOTHING!!!!!

Full Review: despite an almost 2-year total delay in the UK, Digimon World was WELL worth the wait. The entire game is immediately fun to play and it is incredibly rewarding to see your Digimon grow into an unstoppable killing machine. Getting Ultimate Digimon is also rewarding and is worth the effort in doing so. The sheer number of locations in the game means its lasting appeal is very long, which can only be a good thing. When the arena opens, things really take a turn for the better as you get cool prizes. The only problem is it is SO HARD TO DO 100% I must have played this for the time equivilent of 3-6 months and have only just completed it. But still, it's AMAZING!!!