Diner Dash is probably one of the Best Downloadable Games Ever!!!
The game play is simple... you run a diner and you are all of the following. The greeter, seater, order taker, food handler, & cleanup person all wrapped up into one person! Sounds easy eh... not! In early levels you will be given an easy task of only having a few customers. As time goes on and you start to expand your seating and different things you can offer, it gets crazy. Different customers get upset easily when they have to wait in line a long time or don't get the food in time. As your restaurant fills... you day gets crazy!
The graphics are pretty nice in that it is more of a cartoon game than a regular video game. Bright colors and simple decor make this game an eye candy for most. Sound is pretty basic... you get the standard restaurant sounds along with the occasional customers chatter.
Keeping people happy is the name of the game here... the happier they are the more money you make and expand! The one thing I really like about this game is that you can go back and play any level over and over again for each has a score you must achieve in order to advance to the next round. Then it has a star score as well for those who can get the most out of each round. Matching peoples attire to the seat they set in and being quick on your feet to both seat and serve them is the name of the game here. Along with a thing they call chaining bonus ( doing the same thing more than once in a row ) gains you super points and is the ultimate key!
In conclusion... it is a great game that you will find yourself playing again and again. Not alot of flash here... just simply chaos that needs organization in a timely manner!