BEST GAME ON PS1 i hope they bring one out for PS2 or XBOX360
The story line is that a town has gone bak in time by accident i think, and a group off rescuers has also gone bak in time to save them when your ambushed by raptors then you fight them off not actually just movie type thing then a t-rex comes and a man shots it in the eye it goes on rampage and you and some one else jump off a cliff to saftey.
i dont know off any cheats for this game so please dont ask the amout off diffrent dino's is great my only dissapoint in this game is the tricky riddly bits this is a sure 9.5.
7 out of 10 for grapics
9 out of 10 for storyline
10 out of 10 for guns and dino's
there are three dino crisis and this is my favourite.
good luck :)