I don't know what's everones problem, It's a good game. Maybe yall just suck & gave up like losers. Why can't yall b

User Rating: 9.6 | Dino Crisis 3 XBOX
Patience!!! This game is just amazing. The graphics have a story of their own & a whole adventure with non-stop action coming from left to right. Yes, maybe it's a bit to hard for u whiners. But if you play right & get use to it, you will get good at the game & nothing or nobody can touch you. The jet pack just blows my mind, that thing is freakin awsome. I wish every game had that... I do hate when it runs out & ur in deepppp **** That's what it makes it so fun, even your regular rifle does'nt run out. You can even get a varieties of weapons on the way to kick those big ass dinosaurs. Caqcom really out did it self in this game as well, just like Lost Planet. The SWEET tempest even kicks ass, it has a really fast engine to help the laser turret on the floating object to go so fast, that the dinosaurs run around in circles. Even if you get tired of the same person, A really fine chic comes at times when the other dude is in trouble. And I'm ok with it, because she has a weapon that the bullets or whatever it is, bounces off anything....NOW thats freakin!! AWESOME. And once you get the hang of the game, every enemy becomes a piece of cake. Money will just poor out of them like crazy if you just play right & you'll be rolling in cash. And once you get the moola, there will be a store that will give you an option of the latest & awesome equipment for you to buy....if you have the cash. Health to low, no problem=store. No more bullets, no problem=store. Boost power(for jet back) to low, no problem=store. They have everything you need , even a data bank to keep stuff in, to review stuff when tou need it if your pockets get to full...lol. It has a freakin save point, just in case your mom says "that's enough, get off that game!!" Your money will multiply if you take out enemy's, without a hit. You see Caqcom made this game to get hipped up & ready to go & kick ass, Let me let you on a little secret, boy's & guy's or whatever like it when their winning or got the better advantage or anything good to kick ass with & get the others scared. But that's when the awesome company of Caqcom comes in, they do give awesome stuff but you will get locked in a big control room with no idea whats going on & why is there millions of enhanced rapters coming through portals from all directions...O did I mention MILLIONS OF THEM....lol. the game is just plan fun & there will be some twists & turns to keep you on the edge on your seat. There is the songs that do ruin the game, it's like a horror movie but where is the music when you just had a enough of these creatures & want to kick ass. I do like how some bosses just just pop out of know where & make every detail look so real, I like those kind of games & so do every boy in the freakin planet. So that's one of the reason I'm writing this review, to let YOU know that YOU made a mistake & should play this game a little bit more or whoever is reading this get the game. O I almost forgot that you get increase your bank to fill more money so you don't have to run back to the save point & make a deposit. That's a little let down on the game as well, it doesn't let you just keep it. I'm trying to say that when you have a full bank with you, you would't be able to get anymore moola, but you do get to kill more.....but no moola.BOOOOO. It's just not killing & walk a little bit more & kill again, it's also a thinking & strategy game as well. And god damn is it a thinking & strategy game. One time I remember I could't pass this part of the game and just gave up, & did'nt play for a month. But know I have a record of beating it multiple of times, even on hard mode. Also unlocked all the extra features. Now to the camera's ACTION!! The camera's do give you a hard time, but like I said before "play it again & get use to the game." The story of the game it's as good as other games but, what will you do if you got stuck on a ghost ship & has a crazy computer that is controlling everything & got dinosaurs running around as pets. Caqcom did'nt have much so they tryed there best & I give them ever word for it. The anger of the dinosaurs are so real, that some gorillas got together. when I had fell on the ground & they had pommelled my ass on the ground, & one of them was so anger he took me by his hand & started throwing me around like a rag doll. There's still so much to cover on this awesome game but I got to go, & let me know anything about this game I had left off. Peace Dogs!