It was a good start that went to an enevitable plumet
There were many parts that could of been improved one being the story, it was just to much like a puzzle rather than an adventure if you will constantly having to figure out which way to go and if you went the wrong way you found yourself at a dead end or your just back where you started. The gameplay was another big problem for me as with alot of capcom games you have the stupid camera angle that moves when you don't want it to. Apart from that though it just needed an all good clean up that could of made it alot better instead of just another zombie fest.
However on a good note i found the best part of the game to be the boss battles because they really showed off what the charecter or player can really do with his jetback and other goodies especially when there's a T-rex chasing you round or jumping over coolant.
All in all in my opinion if your looking for this game to finish off your trilogy then maybe you should buy but if its dino crisis 2 your looking to rekindle don't bother its not like dino crisis 2 which was a good game.