Dino Crisis, a breath of fresh air inside the survival horror genre, setting the game in a Jurassic Park world.
Its remembrance to Jurassic Park is remarkable, but Capcom didn't intend to be completely original, rather than just using an already known theme for a game genre that was used to another atmosphere. That change was very welcomed in consoles, so Capcom decided to port the game to PC.
The PC version includes a few changes from the PS version, nothing special to comment, actually. The greatest lack was not to take advantage of the superior hardware the PC had, but we can't say that graphics were horrible, either.
For this game, the developing team decided to create full 3d environments, a big difference from how the Resident Evil saga was in those times. Although there aren't gorgeous environments, the general appeal is solid and it's artistically homogeneous, as we can see in the correct use of lighting and disturbing camera angles (they can also be annoying sometimes). Characters may look a little blocky, but we must say that polygons were very well put, specially in the model of the main character, Regina.
Gameplay has a right difficulty, but could be a little frustrating some times, due to the fact we must run/walk across the different rooms a lot of times throughout the game.
Without any doubt, a must-have for PlayStation owners, a recommended game for PC owners.