What a Piece of Crap !

User Rating: 2.8 | Diplomacy PC
To put it mildly, this game will push your patience to the limits as you struggle to come to terms with the poor gameplay features and dismal graphic effects, yet to be honest, if you dont hold back you might just end up slamming the game in the garbage (rubbish) bin, or even worse right at the wall. I felt so at some point and after a while developed thorough dismay for Paradox's latests title, Intitially I expected something along the lines of Europa Univesralis ( which if you care to know, remains one of the best RTS games ever made, not glitzy at all, but rather low key, witth a 2d world map, yet with high replayability value, historic auttenticity,original gameplay ideas- deepness ... if u can get it instaed of Diplomacy TRUST ME on this, YOU WILL LOVE IT!!), but received a poor attempt at translating Negotiation based Hasbros Board Game Diplomacy into the Pc game version. It sucks big time because:

1. The Nations Avatars ,are odd to the point of annyoing , making all kind of grunts etc, Well for those who indulge in Pig Like grunt noises venetd in raipd sequence by so called Avatars this will be heaven.

2. Turn based game, so that kills dynamics for you. Really confusing when AI's take their turn, during different phases, moving, build up phases ect. Hard to keep track of who did exactly what and when as a result of what type of diplomatic or military action

3. Regional Limitation: Since I love Europa Univeralis 2 (yes call me biased, he he) Grand - global scope, this really threw me off, with only being able to play ion a small 3d European map, with only European powers ( Ok Turkey as a non European was added to the mix) battling it out for supremacy at the start of the 20Ct.

4. Paradox in my opinion, needs to buck up, and extend Europa Universalis 2 or Victoria An Empire Under Sun into the Modern Age ( this is something for soem reason they are avoiding, it would be awsome to replay history from 1918 until now). Nobody cares for this Diplomacy Bull ##%$%$# ,