A good game for ff7 fans

User Rating: 8.3 | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII PS2
I enjoyed this game and am a huge ff7 fan. Just don't expect devil may cry action from it. The game has great graphics and cut scenes. Everything you'd expect from a shooter is there sniping, handguns, machine guns, even crouching and melee moves. Another cool feature is the great gun customizing and limit breaks and turret action. You fight in areas from ff7 and fight some familiar enemies and see familiar faces. The sound is good and the voice acting is great. On the down side you do fight one type of enemy alot, the camera can do some weird things, and the game is not very hard.I read some reviews saying it did not have anything to do with the ff7 world. Well they are wrong, the game is made by squareenix who made the original ff7 on ps1 so how can it not be ff7. Overall this a great game for fans but if you have no clue what ff7 is then play the ps1 game watch the movie and then play this and you will enjoy it.