Awsome, but you might want to rent first if you're not a die-hard Vincent fan.
Ok moving on to the actual game play. the graphics were fairly good, i compared them to the Resident Evil games. the movement of the character was very similar to RE, not the Devil May Cry games. i don't know why so many people compared Dirge of Cerberus to the DMC games...they really don't have anything in common except for the usage of items really. again, unlike DMC, you have to actually have a supply of bullets for your large variety of guns (i believe this i similar to the RE games again?) i also thought that Omega Weiss was way too easy to beat. i was expecting him to jump off the Omega thing he was riding on and come at me(Vincent) with his two swords. but that didn't happen so i was really rather shocked when the game ended. another thing, Square could've used more of their Advent Children technology in the movies. i wanted to see more of that but, it wasn't there. oh well T-T
The guns are a topic all on their own. there are so many different ways you can piece them together!!! the official guide will come to be a good use for the guns, if not for anything else. personally, i'm using the guide for the guns and the Memory Capsules only. That's another topic; the Memory Capsules!!! those are really hard to find. they are located mostly in spots you wouldn't even think to look in!!!! even with the guide, they're sometimes hard to spot.
well, all in all the game was fun. too short but still fun to play.