A very standard game. not a bad one.

User Rating: 5.9 | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII PS2
Im sure everyone who was ever into the FF7 story anticipated this new adition to be an awsome one. I mean, how could you go wrong with a 3rd person shooter staring only one of the coolest dudes in videogameing. Well there are a couple of ways. First of all, the loading screens and main menu interface segregate themselves from all other FF games. The new storyline is fairly generic and not partciuarly surprising or neat most of the time. There is a beautiful movie in the begining and end but that is IT. The rest of the game is low class graphics compared to FFX and FFXII. However, I found the mechanics in about every animation to be surprisingly well done (with "bad" graphics mind you). In the begining especially, there are many random animations that at times have very little to do with your objective. The combat is going to be a sinch to anybody who has killed somthing in Halo (not exacly challenging).The boss fights are interesting in their onw little way, but repetative. You do get to chang into a "monster" but its for a limited time and doesn't change things a whole lot. The gun varieties dont realy help in your progression in the story so you wont realy need them in many of the fights. But if you are just a good fan of the FF7 story (like I said earlier), then you will want to rent this, or buy it adding it to your FF collection :P