Plays like a horror movie, with one of the most interesting and complex plots you could get.
The Bad: Nothing of note
Full Review: I hope nobody overly sensitive ever plays this game because it plays like a horror movie in the first levels, of course that's a verrry good thing. I mean from the beginning you hear of another TV crew getting to Midgar, and wonder what will become of them as aircraft arrive, sending strange men into the celebrations. You are treated to the analysis of one man, and then... They shoot. It only gets better as you are thrust into the fight against Deepground right up to taking out the airships. The movies at the start also have proper movie-quality graphics to them as well. Then the horror element is ramped up as WRO men disappear into darkness before their hapless General is killed, and Weiss makes his first speech. Shot, Impaled, Crushed, Grinded, the list goes on. And this is before you learn of the background, 1200 people go missing, disappearences on the streets and scream after scream coming from Midgar, the apparently uninhabitable stronghold of Deepground...
Story aside, the game plays well too. It plays like a proper shooter mixed with a proper action game to give very good results. The levels also have good replay value as you wonder how to complete your objectives better, and some parts, notably 8, never get old, from keeping the first WRO squad alive through a surgical raid on Deepgound, to amassing a whole army of them if you're good enough to fight the main blockade at the central complex, and that's before you take out the Tsviets. Don't listen to the lunatics who say this game is average, because it's absolutely brilliant!