Certainly not the best final fantasy game, but definitely my favorite shooter.

User Rating: 8.3 | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII PS2
First off, i'm not a fan of shooters. If not for me being such a big final fantasy fan, i doubt i would have liked this as much as i did. My main complaint about this game would have to be it's length, or lack thereof. It took me about 10 and a half hours to beat, and i'm one to take my time to make sure i don't overlook anything such as a hidden item, etc. I know most shooters aren't much longer than that, but when it's final fantasy you expect a little more length. There are 46 "extra missions" on the game that can be played that dont go with the story, so I don't really understand why they couldn't have made less extra missions and just made a longer story. While the story wasn't bad, the shortness of the game kept it from being as great as the other final fantasies. It also would have been better if characters from the previous game such as cloud and tifa had been included more often than yuffie and cait sith. The game was also incredibly easy due to an abundance of items lying around and shops located around the levels to get any other items you may need. I didn't die the entire game except for one level where you have to play with cait sith for a small amount of time. There is however, an extra hard mode that is unlocked when you beat the game. I haven't played that yet, so perhaps it will be a whole lot more challenging. Though, I don't see myself playing it all the way through again anytime soon, if ever. The voice acting in this game was pretty good for the most part, but not great, and the music wasn't quite up to final fantasy par. Also, just having to listen to cait sith talk is enough to knock the sound score down a point.

As I said before this game's story is short, and there's no multi-player which is what many shooter's thrive on, so that hurts the value a lot. Also as I mentioned before, there are 46 extra missions, and I'm not sure of their length, so they might possibly improve the value of this game. I may have seemed critical in my review, but i did enjoy this game and i thought it did a pretty good job of telling the story of one of the most loved characters in the final fantasy series. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of shooters, or a fan of final fantasy.