Dirge of Cerberus - The good, the bad and the ugly?
Ok for those of you who remember final fantasy 7, you will be in for a surprise cause this game is nothing but a shooter at heart. The game has a great story, nice characters, NPCs and so forth, but its really just a shooter. You have a variety of guns you can upgrade and you do level up as if in a roleplaying game. you can also perform a very limited number of close combat punches. The enemies are also a bad point...While the Bosses are very interesting, the normal standard enemies are a total let down, they are weak, and you face about a million of the same type of enemies before the game is over. As for the bosses, they are interesting, even if not particularly challenging, you can allmost allways beat a boss on the first or second try.
The Graphics in game are decent at best, they probably could have done a bit better in that department, vincent himself looks ok, but kind of unpolished. But where the game realy shines, those are the movies. They have been done in excellent quality and are every bit as good as the Advent Children movie, perhaps even a bit improved.
The Sound is ok, the music is great, giving the whole game an immersive experience. Value:
Well what can i say about this game? if you get it, your more likely to buy it to see how the story goes on and to find out more about the enigmatic Vincent Valentine. A great deal of extra missions keep you going even after the game is finished. I advise you only to get this game if your really interested in the story, the gameplay is nothing that really shines, but it can be fun at times.
Other than that, i can give this game a 7.0 for the awesome music, the great movies, the story, but the gameplay...you just dont let a RPG based company make a shooter...