First time in more than 10y. a rally game is at level w. Colin 2.0 !
Why that might be - Mainly due to the excellent immersion. The illusion is complete to an extend where you forget that you are actually pounding a set of fragile plastic squares made in a remote province of China, and insted roaring down a narrow forrest road with mud and ice splashing left and right to the energized shouts of the spectators. When racing games reach this high is not due to a single factor, its much raughter the balance and symmetry between visual presentation, sound, an engaging representation of the sport of motoring and yet an entry-level which doesnt leave you cursing that same chinese gentleman -or woman, who produced the arrow-keys !
That's racing :-)
And, contrary to many, I find the commentary both in the rally sequenses themselves but also in the ambience generating speak' to be one of the factors which makes me feel at home in Dirt 2 and has had me coming back to 'my' racing grounds for a while now.
Ps: It only makes the experiense sweeter that I got the game as a gift from a friend of mine who is known as the sailor ancored up in some bay of the internet. Mr. Petreus Irate, I think he is called.