This game is super lame!!!!
A a very very very poor imitation of the games like Max Payne or beyond good and evil!!!!!! I also consider the fact that Max Payne and beyond good and evil are of 2 completely different genres!!! but believe me when i say it is an imitation of these 2!
The gameplay really sucks!!you have some special powers and some weapons plus grenades and a pair of pistols that will never run out of ammo!!!(why does that remind me of Tome Raider!!!)
the special powers are expected to be cool but in fact they are super lame!!!
the marker which u should use to shoot is not accurate!there were times when i aimed at the head of a person but then the bullets were all going into his stomach!!!
the story is just a boring classic!(government's secret experiments blow up the city and a savior arises!!!!)
graphics are just childish in this game!!!reminds me of 25 to life!!!maybe the same engine though!
music and dialogs are as boring as a 1000 page science book can be!!!
the characters talk to each other in a way that you always ponder to yourself:
"where is this the note they are reading all this from"(got it?)
finally we should only say that this game is messed up enough that you can easily cast it into your bargain bin as soon as you get it!!!!