I thought this game would be great Dirt 3 was okay but Dirt 2 sold me on racing games, it failed to deliver.
User Rating: 1.5 | DiRT Showdown X360
It was too fast paced for a Dirt game and the turbo completely ruined a once great series. Codemasters tried to milk Dirt and so they made it suck worse than The Big Bang Theory, thank you Codemasters you're really cool and awesome! If you enjoyed this game you wouldn't like Dirt 2 and if you like Dirt 2 you probably won't like this game. I would go to great lengths to not play this game. This game is like that kid who would suck whilst his big brother was the coolest kid in school. I give this game a 1.5 out of 10 and that one is only because you can't choose zero and that .5 is because of the demolition derby. The cars are kinda cool only because they're old estate cars and half of them remind me of the cars in Fallout (great games). The voices are god awful, I thought the ones in 3 were bad and the story is worse than Skyrims'. I feel glad I didn't buy this game because if I did I would have destroyed my xbox. Codemasters are worse than Activision and EA combined and I'm not even joking.