If you did like, even if for a bit of dirt´s remaining titles, this one is exactly the one you SHOULD NOT buy!
Well summed up as possible, if you guys did like, even if for a bit of the others dirt´s remaining editions, this one is exactly the one you should not buy with your precious money! This one is the worst in the history of Dirt, not to say nothing about of what already has being lost since Colin McRae Rally ... The ENTIRE game is a complete WASTE OF TIME! Starting with the cars that looks like have appear out form no one´s mind, they are all ugly and boring (except the standart ones)! To star they only seem to have 2 options of driving, STOPED or very SLOWLY as a snail! And even with all upgrades you can buy for your cars, they just do not get any better... With cars like this there are isn´t no point at all in racing between them!... You can finish the game in a good afternoon with no need to even buy any car, because THEY JUST CONTINUE TO RUN JUST ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME! The tracks are near 50% of the same of previous editions, and all the new ones are far worst then the "originals" concepts... So, in topics
- not even a bit realistic in any sense
- very easy game, with no interest at all
- the comments are poor and sometimes even the wrong ones or in the wrong time THE WORST: - horrific cars and tedious
- horrific tracks and tedious and... WHERE THE HELL IS THE SPEEDOMETER OR THE GEARS OR JUST THE REV COUNTER? Do they have unlimited shifts? Well after a little thinking I would say there is no need for any of then with a game so bad in general.... The only thing they got better was on car´s reflection and destruction, and next to nothing optimization, ALL the others aspects in general just went from bad to horrible.