First off, the career mode looks like it will take a great deal of time, which is what I look for in a game. There are about a dozen "tiers" in a pyramid shape, which you progress higher and higher as the game goes on. The gameplay is great. Surface affects driving sensitivity. The sound is alright, but sometimes it sounds like a jet engine at an airport. Graphics are spectacular and the crashing is pretty. Online is very fun, comparing your skills to everyone else in the world in the leaderboards. A great game to pick up for every XBOX 360 owner!
Codemasters has been making quality rally racing games for years and having been a fan of Colin McRae Rally 3 in particular, I was looking forward to their latest installment in the series. I can't say I'm a fan of the s... Read Full Review
It's hard to know what to expect out of a "next-gen" driving title; ultimately, the point of every driving game ever made, from Night Rider / Pole Position on down, is to get from point A to point B, and genera... Read Full Review